Zhang's red critical strikes seem pretty random to be honest one time he did the spike arm launch right at the very beginning, whereas another time I had to hit him a bit before he did it. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will be a very long game according to Team Ninjas Masakazu Hirayama who confirmed the story only will be around 40 hours long. This will finish the fight early and save you some trouble. However, it will take considerably longer if players seek a more. Once he's at half health your companion will tell you to "release the power of the jade" and you need to press Y+B on controller. For an average run, a large chunk of the community says Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty takes about 25 hours to complete.
In particular you want to make sure you deflect the attack where he fires his spike arm at you, since this almost completely fills his Spirit Gauge, and he's usually stunned for long enough after that you can get a sneaky combo in to tip him over and perform a Fatal Strike. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about How to Beat Dong Zhuo: Boss Fight Strategy Guide Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty with us.

The good news is that you only need to get him to half health, and you can do this by baiting out his red critical strikes.

Zhang Liang's second phase is a lot to deal with: he grows a big spiky arm that he tries to whip you with, and has a variety of annoying shockwave attacks, sending stones spiking towards you through the ground, or spiking the ground around him.